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Environmental Management and Compliance

By managing environmental risks, organisations can build a truly sustainable business and realise the financial and reputation benefits that results from doing same.

Reliable & Innovative

  • By managing environmental risks, organisations can build a truly sustainable business and realise the financial and reputational benefits that results from doing same.
  • All businesses have an environmental impact posed by their activities to the environment and these impacts needs to be mitigated effectively to uphold the principles of sustainable development.
  • In response, they need to minimise the risk of an environmental incident by implementing precautionary and control measures. To facilitate this, businesses are implementing voluntary environmental management systems such as ISO14001.
  • Organisations are also operating in an increasingly legislated environment even where government regulations and legislations are lax.
  • Development proposals from small construction works to major capital projects are subject to planning conditions and approvals that must be met to avoid financial and reputational damage. At AGL, we help our clients achieve the above seamlessly.

Nigeria —
17, Adebayo Doherty Road, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos

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